


Product name: ANASTROZOLE

Manufacturer: Balkan pharma

Active substance: Anastrozole

Other names: AnastrozoleAnastrozol, Arimidex, Astra Zeneca

Strength: 1MG/TAB



Anastrozole(Arimidex) is a non-steroidal drug which is used to treat breast cancer. It has been thoroughly studied in women with breast cancer between the 5th-8th decades of life. There are some breast cancers which are dependent on estrogen for their growth. Arimidex acts by suppressing the levels of estrogen in the body and thus reduces the growth of breast cancer. The drug is first line treatment in post menopausal women with early breast cancer or in those with advanced breast cancer despite taking tamoxifen. Arimidex is often combined with other drugs to treat breast cancer in post menopausal women. The drug has been used to treat early or advanced breast cancer in women all cultures and races.

Anastrozole is a really great aromatase inhibitor. It’s action consists in it’s ability to block the enzyme from the body which produce aromatozation, therefore it will limit the quantity of estrogen deposits which may occur. Anastrozol is a very good choice for athletes and bodybuilders who stacked in their cycle steroids which produce aromatization, steroids like Testosterone. By using Testosterone some of the users may notice estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia or water retention, these site effects can be avoided by adding Arimidex in the cycle.


Body builders.

Arimidex with its ability to block the synthesis of estrogen can alleviate some of these embarrassing and obvious negative effects of anabolic steroids. Plus, it has been observed that the 1mg dose of Arimidex can also increase the levels of testosterone. In the past, most body builders used drugs like Nolvadex or Proviron against the excess estrogen,

However, a word of caution. Anyone who takes Arimidex 



Arimidex in the US is administered by physicians who specialize in the treatment of cancer. Arimidex is sold as a pill containing 1 mg of anastrozole. The formulation of the pill also contains other inactive chemicals like lactosemagnesium steratepolyethylene glycolsodium starch glycolate and titanium dioxide. These ingredients make the active anastrozole more soluble in water, and make it easier to prepare as a pill.

Arimidex is taken orally everyday as a 1-mg tablet. All the patients with advanced breast cancer who have been prescribed the drug take it until a response in the tumor is seen. For those patients who take Arimidex as part of adjuvant (a substance that helps and enhances the pharmacological effect of a drug) therapy, the exact duration of the treatment remains unknown but most experts recommend that women take it for 5 years.


Arimidex has been studied quite well in the laboratory for its side effects. Furthermore below 

  1. vague muscle and joint pains

  2. softening of bone (osteoporosis)


Besides general tiredness, the next most common complain of patients who take Arimidex is joint and bony pain. Infact fractures of spine, hip and wrist are all increased in patients who take Arimidex for long periods. Despite the wide range of negative effects, Arimidex is generally well tolerated by the majority of women.

Anastrozol Contraindications/Precautionary Measures

Not recommended for women in the period of reproduction, In case of premenopausal women; during pregnancy and lactation; in case of advanced renal insufficiency, moderate or advanced hepatic insufficiency and hypersensitivity to drug. Requires careful use in patients with moderate and marked liver disorders or those with severe kidney disease. Not recommended for use by children. Anastrozole also may weaken the bone mineral density and has effects on ability to drive and use machines due to possible somnolence, asthenia and dizziness effects. Order Steroids online Anastrozole for sale online


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