MK 2866


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Ostarine
Package: 100 tabs (25mg/tab)


Ostarine (MK2866) was first developed to prevent muscle wastage in cancer patients and people with osteoporosis. Ostarine (MK2866) works by binding to the Androgen Receptor, increasing protein synthesis and altering the expression of genes. It almost exclusively exerts its anabolic effects on the muscle tissues and minimizes muscle atrophy, most notably during recovery periods from surgery and injuries. For this reason it can be favoured for its ability to heal muscle injuries due to its healing properties.
Ostarine (MK2866) is highly anabolic, even at moderate doses making it very effective at building lean mass gains.

In Vivo:
Studies of Ostarine (MK2866) suggest dosage to be around 30mg per day.


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